2013年10月25日 星期五

Heart (紅心合唱團) - Alone

周末夜晚讓 '80s & '90s hard rock 的紅心樂團空降你的心...


I hear the ticking of the clock 
I'm lying here the room's pitch dark 
I wonder where you are tonight 
No answer on the telephone 
And the night goes by so very slow 
Oh I hope that it won't end though 

Till now I always got by on my own 
I never really cared until I met you 
And now it chills me to the bone 
How do I get you alone 
How do I get you alone 

You don't know how long I have wanted 
To touch your lips and hold you tight, oh 
You don't know how long I have waited 
And I was gonna tell you tonight 
But the secret is still my own 
And my love for you is still unknown 

Till now I always got by on my own 
I never really cared until I met you 
And now it chills me to the bone 
How do I get you alone 
How do I get you alone 

How do I get you alone 
How do I get you alone 

Alone, alone



懸念 (一韻箭詩)

 安大人令我試寫一首「一韻箭詩」,想了兩晚上,總算完成了,與諸君分享之。 《 懸念》 by 若隱    2017.06.08 上傳FB 籤  詩篇  眉心間  愁染花鈿  鏡中憔悴顏  心繫陌君盼見  奈何真情不能言  吟詩賦詞寄語蒼天  何時夢裡把情牽  長夜漫漫難眠  相思苦...