2014年3月22日 星期六

Heart - These Dreams

This song tightly to attract my soul, my friends I hope you like it too...
( Jess station sails at 4 A.M. )

Heart - These Dreams Lyrics

Spare a little candle
Save some light for me
figures up ahead
Moving in the trees
White skin in linen
Perfume on my wrist
And the full moon that hangs over
these dreams in the mist
Darkness on the edge
Shadows where I stand
I search for the time
On a watch with no hands
I want to see you clearly
Come closer than this
But all I remember
Are the dreams in the mist
These dreams go on when I close my eyes
Every second of the night I live another life
These dreams that sleep when it's cold outside
Every moment I'm awake the further I'm away

Is it cloak 'n dagger
Could it be spring or fall
I walk without a cut
Through a stained glass wall
Weaker in my eyesight
The candle in my grip
And words that have no form
Are falling from my lips

These dreams go on when I close my eyes
Every second of the night I live another life
These dreams that sleep when it's cold outside
Every moment I'm awake the further I'm away

There's something out there
I can't resist
I need to hide away from the pain
There's something out there
I can't resist
The sweetest song is silence
That I've ever heard
Funny how your feet
In dreams never touch the earth
In a wood full of princes
Freedom is a kiss
But the prince hides his face
From dreams in the mist

These dreams go on when I close my eyes
Every second of the night I live another life
These dreams that sleep when it's cold outside
Every moment I'm awake the further I'm away

These dreams go on when I close my eyes
Every second of the night I live another life
These dreams that sleep when it's cold outside
Every moment I'm awake the further I'm away




懸念 (一韻箭詩)

 安大人令我試寫一首「一韻箭詩」,想了兩晚上,總算完成了,與諸君分享之。 《 懸念》 by 若隱    2017.06.08 上傳FB 籤  詩篇  眉心間  愁染花鈿  鏡中憔悴顏  心繫陌君盼見  奈何真情不能言  吟詩賦詞寄語蒼天  何時夢裡把情牽  長夜漫漫難眠  相思苦...