2013年9月1日 星期日

English homework - If I were a travel photographer

If you ask me whether I have a dream, “Oh, yes!” I will say. 
That must be to travel around the whole world.
I have traveled to many place and touched each land with 
fingertips, only a bit different is I travel on the maps or 
TV channels.
I really want to go to these places, like the Pyramid and the 
Nile of Egypt, or aurora borealis of dreamlike, et cetera, 
and take more pictures about them and share with every one in 
my web site.
If I were a travel photographer, dream will be prepared to 
set out under my feet.



懸念 (一韻箭詩)

 安大人令我試寫一首「一韻箭詩」,想了兩晚上,總算完成了,與諸君分享之。 《 懸念》 by 若隱    2017.06.08 上傳FB 籤  詩篇  眉心間  愁染花鈿  鏡中憔悴顏  心繫陌君盼見  奈何真情不能言  吟詩賦詞寄語蒼天  何時夢裡把情牽  長夜漫漫難眠  相思苦...