2013年9月1日 星期日

English homework - Simple soul

English practice: Use linking expressions to writing

Jess is a simple soul if the world is not so complicated. The girl had many dreams when she was young. Time past fast, therefore, she could not choose to be a 17 years old girl forever.
She guesses the life is smooth, however, not everything is perfect. Sometimes, she will fall down and feels disappointed at the results. Maybe she wants to show some ideas, but gets more discouragements from others. Even so, she hopes to keep her belief, or she will lose the original dream.
Naturally, she also learned to pray to God but we know that a farmer possesses abundant harvest after hard plow.
She sets up a phrase: Don’t give up early before put effort on it.

Simple soul / by Jess Wu



懸念 (一韻箭詩)

 安大人令我試寫一首「一韻箭詩」,想了兩晚上,總算完成了,與諸君分享之。 《 懸念》 by 若隱    2017.06.08 上傳FB 籤  詩篇  眉心間  愁染花鈿  鏡中憔悴顏  心繫陌君盼見  奈何真情不能言  吟詩賦詞寄語蒼天  何時夢裡把情牽  長夜漫漫難眠  相思苦...